Product Finder

Product Description Enquiry Industry Ingredients Application Category
NATUZYM® Biomax Ultra Competitive liquid pectinase solution for the oil extraction of mature olives mail
NATUZYM® P Extra Plus G Liquid pectinase for advanced extraction in apple and pear juice mail
NATUZYM® CW Liquid pectinase for core wash & essential citrus oil extraction mail
NATUZYM® Extra Liquid pectinase and glucoamylase complex for advanced extraction in apple and pear juice mail
NATUZYM® Wine Extrak Liquid pectinase enzyme complex for wine maceration. White & Rosé: moderate skin extraction, yield, press capacity; Red: fermentation on skins, flash détente mail
NATUZYM® V-50 Liquid pectinase and hemi-cellulase complex for liquefaction & extraction in vegetables mail
NATUZYM® Biomax V Liquid pectinase complex for optimal oil extraction from olives of all cultivars and maturity levels mail